25 April 2024

Conference – Ethnic data registration under EU law

Meijers Committee – 4 November 2024

In academic and policy circles, diverse perspectives exist regarding the registration and collection of ethnic data. Advocates argue that capturing such data is crucial for addressing inequality, rectifying disparities, and combating discrimination effectively. Conversely, opponents contend that ethnic data registration may yield adverse outcomes for individuals involved, with discrimination as a consequence. On November 4th, the Meijers Committee will host the online conference “Ethnic Data Registration under EU Law”.

The conference aims to facilitate knowledge exchange among EU and national policy makers, academics and other practitioners in the field of ethnic data registration, enabling them to glean insights from each others’ experiences. It will explore ways on how to collect equality data while mitigating and preventing the negative consequences with regard to discrimination and privacy. The conference will provide an overview of existing EU an Member State initiatives to ensure strategic alignment and progress in this area.

Location: Online via Teams (the link to access the conference will be shared with you via email)

Time: 2.00PM – 5.15 PM  

Registration form: https://forms.office.com/e/AxaFMx6hCk 


Keynote and Pannel speakers: 

Wojciech Wiewiórowski, European Data Protection Supervisor.

Linnet Taylor, Professor of International Data Governance at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society (TILT).

Prof Dr Hielke Hijmans, President of the Litigation Chamber and Member Executive Board of the Belgian Data Protection Authority.

Lina Mechbal, Equal@Work Advisor (Employment, Diversity, Inclusion) at ENAR.

Daris Lewis, Legal and Policy Officer at Equinet.

Lilla Farkas, race ground coordinator of the European Network of legal experts in gender equality and non-discrimination.


2:00 PM – 2:10 PM Opening by chair of the day – Meijers Committee member of the subcommittee non-discrimination and privacy law Dr. Karin de Vries

2:10 PM – 3:10 PM Keynote speeches

3:10 PM- 3:40 PM Break

3:40 PM – 5:00 PM Panel discussion in response to keynote speeches, interactive with the audience – led by Meijers Committee member prof. Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius.

5:00 PM – 5:15 PM Wrap-up by chair

See the program in more detail here: Program-of-the-Conference-Ethnic-data-registration-under-EU-law