Standing Committee of Experts on International Migration, Refugee and Criminal Law

20 September 2021

Our Rule of Law Festival in Groningen

On 17th and 18th September, the “Our Rule of Law” festival was held in Groeningen. It was organized by students from the International and European law programme with the support of professor John Morijn. The focus was on the situation of the rule of law and media freedom in Poland. The two-day event comprised ten panels, some of which had to be held online. Among the many speakers invited, there was also the Polish judges Igor Tuleya, who has had his judicial immunity revoked and is subject to disciplinary measures. He was there to give his testimony of the seriousness of the situation in the country.

The Meijers Committee, together with NGIZ, hosted one of the Saturday online panels, which explored why the situation in Poland is so relevant and what academics should focus on. The speakers were Anna Wójcik, co-founder and editor of the Osiatyński Archive and the website; Aleksandra Gliszczyńska-Grabias, senior associate and member of the Litigation and Arbitration practise team in Dentons’ Warsaw office, where she co-heads the Strategic Litigation Program; Adam Bodnar, Polish Ombudsman for Human Rights until April 2021, when a decision of the Constitutional Court ousted him; and Wojciech Sadurski, Challis Professor in Jurisprudence at the University of Sydney and a Professor at the Centre for Europe in the University of Warsaw.

With the participation of professor John Morijn, who is also a member of our Committee, and Esther Hesp, chair NGIZ Noord, the discussion provided insightful suggestions on the academic engagement in defence of the rule of law in Poland and around Europe.

Watch the complete discussion here: